9:38 PM - Monday, March 8, 2010

I dunno what I'm feeling now. I just feel... fucked up & disappointed & really really sad. Is it too much to ask for? Just for you to spend the weekends with me? I mean hey, you get 5 days with those friends of yours & less than 2 days with me. And I don't even complain that I don't have enough time with you.
Now that you're having your outfield, I look forward to you calling me on the phone. But when you do call, its all about this friend & that friend & oh, you wanna go hang out at this pub with them & go to some thai disco with dunno who. Isn't that eating up your weekend alr? I know you're booking out on Thursday but so what? Didn't we plan to do things on Friday? But now you're saying you're gna meet them first thing in the morning then head to some pub. WTF?
I guess I'm not important enough. I know, you say you just want me to tag along so that it'll solve everything. I'm sorry, I'm not keen. Firstly, its not the first time this is happening so I know that if I go, its like as if I'm not there at all. Whats the meaning if I went, right? Cos I'll just be like some dog tagging along behind & not making a sound. So stupid. And what are you saying about me being able to make friends with them? Ok, so if we become friends, what next? We're just in different frequencies here alright? Its not that I'm not keen but ugh, nvm you won't understand anyway, since you're not a girl & I'm not a guy.
Forget it. I don't even know what the meaning of wearing this 'thing' ard my finger stand for, y'know. Honestly. But if you want it your way then I'll give it to you. I shouldn't be the cause of you losing your friends anymore. Right? Since I was the one who started it. I shouldn't make your life suck even more. So go have fun, go to pubs, drink till you get wasted, I don't give a damn. Bcos I guess this is what you really want & I'm not going to resist anymore. I'll just go with the flow.
I don't know what this relationship is coming to anymore.
6:39 PM - Thursday, March 4, 2010

Its been awhile, yes I know. So anyway, finally went swimming today & I feel extremely accomplished :) Initially when I started, I couldn't even last one lap -.- Felt like such a loser I swear but I managed to warm up to those laps & everything. I actually am pretty happy that I now can go a few laps without struggling for air :) Rachel Koh, you abandoned me so you're supposed to go swimming with me the next time I go! It felt nice that there was no one at all it felt like as if the pool was mine, in a way la.
Its only the first week of the holidays & this week (so far) has seen me being on the computer for almost the entire day & watching tv. Basically slacking ard the house becoming some fat sack. This isn't good, I knowwww. But there really isn't anything to do =/ I'm thinking of going jogging tmr morning but I really dunno if it'll happen. I'm feeling so sleepy now. Maybe cos I slept late last night & got up super early today.
Congrats Povan on passing your BTT I hope you get your license soon so you can drive me ard when I need some mode of transport! Haha kidding! :) Was nice having you over at my house today (ok sounds weird much) but yeah la, playing with my guinea pig blah blah blah ok 'nuff said.
I seriously don't understand the weather its driving me crazy? It actually poured just now but it lasted less than 10 minutes, how pathetic? It wasn't even cooling or anything, just the smell of rain is all. Ugh omg feeling sooo tired =/
Oh yeah, has anyone seen the new Pringles flavours?
and apparently there's another Lemon + something else I can't rmb. I saw it today while buying some food from Cold Storage. I tried googling it but nothing came up. Hmmm... Seems like its relatively new? I have no idea. Whatever it is, I still have yet to try the rest of the new Pringles flavours. I know right, I'm like how bloody backdated :(
K think I've got a new "mission" oh whatever.
Oh yeah, one more thing before I go: All the best to everyone taking their A level results tmr at 2pm! All the best to you, bitch! You know you'll make it so don't panic. Love you much
K then, dinner's calling. Yong Tau Foo, FTW!!!
10:05 PM - Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Realised its been quite awhile since I last updated this space. Not like many people actually visit but yeah la. I'm actually feeling pretty lazy to update Blogger & my Tumblr space too.
Anyways, school's coming to a close pretty soon. Just got about 2 more weeks to go before we have a break & prepare for year 3 =/ can you believe it, I'm going to be in year 3 in like 2 month's time!! Time flies, no? But what sucks is that, straight after CNY are the exams :( and its totally uncool cos I doubt I'll be able to have an awesome CNY cos I'll have to think about studying at the same time. Especially for Bpharm, in which I have zero confidence in.
Just cannot wait for this year to end!! I just hope that I won't have to repeat subjects, I really don't want to! :( So I have to work extra hard for this coming main exam period. Ugh just totally dreading this pleaseeeeeeee.
Plus Valentine's day is on the same day as CNY? Wtf can this get any better, seriously? So fucking stupid, how the hell to spend time with my baby when I have to be with the family? I really need to plan things out. Really need to =/ At least I've got most of the things that I need settled so hopefully it'll go as planned! (crosses fingers)
Right then, need to start studying for IPT pbl quiz which falls on Thursday. Wow, this week's actually pretty fast too =/ at least I have my baby with me! So there's not much to complain and whine about HAHAHA
Till then, I love scene kids. Don't you?

3:07 PM - Sunday, January 10, 2010

Well its back to blogging here againnnnn. I realized I haven't been updating regularly. And I know what I'm going to say next - I'M LAZYYYY. Haha. So, its a start of the new year but I don't feel like it is. Maybe because our poly holidays were in the middle of everything. We started school the week after christmas and then had a long weekend for New Year's day. The Monday after New Year's day just seemed like a normal 2009 day. They should've extended our holidays till January, don't you think?
So, TP open house was fine I guess. the first 2 days were really crowded and packed with Secondary school students who were on tour & whatnot. We all signed up as a guide to bring these students ard the school. But yes, being the people that we are, we didn't bother at all. Plus we had to be cheering & welcoming them to our school. Like hello, I can't be bothered to do that la. The only thing we get from this is SEAL points and a chance to miss classes for the day. I guess it was rather fun too cos we got to roam around school, talk to other students from other schools & practically rot our life till our shift ends. The 3rd day was good cos Adam came down with me. But there was no one :( It wasn't as packed as compared to last year's open house. Shows how popular our school is eh?
And yestd was shitty cos I only had one day with Adam & he had to book in that night. Sighhhhhhhhhhh. He couldn't make it to dinner at my grandma's house bcos of his book in & all that. So after Open house, I sent him to camp before heading down to my grandma's house. And omg, I haven't been seeing my cousins in like the longest time ever. So I guess it was great that everyone came down to my grandma's to bond. Looking forward to the next gathering where we'll all be able to do what we did yestd, and Adam would be present too! :) Hehh.
Dreading tmr. Because I have many things to do :( my Bpharm tutorial, to prepare for my IPT role play which would be at 5pm and to complete my PIA report by 10 tonight. Fuck man. I'm actually most worried about my IPT cos the weightage is going to be superly high now, as compared to the previous role play that we had (which I totally screwed up) Sighh. So I guess Adam booking in is actually a blessing in disguise, no? Sigh. But I wish he was here with me though! Would make things much easier for me.
Right then, off I go to start with my work. I hope I finish everything by tonight! I have decided not to make any resolutions cos they're stupid & I never actually find any meaning in setting them cos I don't bother meeting them at all. Right, right, right? I mean, its my personal opinion so all who disagree just shut up. Kthxbyeee.
11:13 PM - Monday, December 28, 2009

I had an awesome Christmas, I hope everyone had an awesome time like I did too! There was so much preparations to be done actually. Not exactly preparations actually, more of shopping :) Haha. Bought me a new pair of shoes and a beanie (bcos it was needed for the party) and a studded pair of leggings and a top plus studded bracelets. Many many studded stuff :) I hope Adam liked his presents though!
So on Christmas day Adam came over for a little get together with my family. Had plenty of food & a log cake as well. Then it was gift exchange & I got my scent, like freaking finally :) Pictures, pictures, pictures...
And then we went off to Adam's aunty's house for his Christmas party. Again, there was plenty of food and many many people :) Then there was gift exchange and Andrea had the most awesome presents! I didn't expect to receive so many gifts, really. Favourite present obviously from my babyboy. Hehehe! I just can't wait to see him tmr, can't believe he'll be booking out tmr! :)

Afterwhich, made our way down to Rachel's house. Ok, we were feeling a little bit nervous cos its been such a long time since we last saw everyone. Plus there are new additions to the group as well. Initially things were super awkward but it started to get better once we made our way to Yishun dam in 2 separate vehicles. The car ride was crazy! I was so afraid I might actually die or hurl my dinner. After Yishun dam, we made our way (another crazy car ride) to Jalan Kayu for other people to eat. We then made our way back to Rachel's house for the guys to play mahjong. It was a really awesome night, tbh. I wish it didnt have to end at all.
Now that the new year's coming up, in like omg 3 days. I really want everything to be awesome between us k babe! :) I love you plenty plenty. And yes, now that Christmas is over, school has started :( Lots of project submissions and yes, a bloody test is like on Wednesday :( Ccb. Not looking forward to all of that one bit. But at least its Tuesday! Adam will be booking out, hehehe. Time for bed. Goodnight everyone!
12:10 AM - Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Watched Love Actually yesterday and omg I cannot stand it, I am in love with the movie big time :) Really really really wish they would make a second movie cos its really awesome haha ok, I should probably stop ranting about this. Its just stupid, innit?
So christmas is in like 3 days, and omg I am excited. Are we not? Did a relative good amount of shopping today. And I feel pretty accomplished :) I just hope my baby would appreciate it! (fingers crossed) Hmm, maybe more shopping tmr. I wanna get a pair of shoes tmr. Couldn't get it today cos it was sold out, how annoying :(
Right then, might be going out with my brother tmr. Adam will be booking out tmr, oh how awesome :) Can't wait for christmas. Goodnight everyone!
12:40 AM - Friday, December 18, 2009

Finally back to update this space. Pardon me, I guess I'm just feeling rather too lazy to do typing now. Tumblr-ing is way easier actually. But yeah ok, enought shit.
First and foremost, I'd like to say
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!!!! :) Finally 19, dammit. Freshly turning 19 while I'm going to turn 20 in a few month's time. Fuck.
Schools out and yes, its finally the holidays now. I am relieved, there's not so much studying to do as compared to exam week, which was ugh, don't even remind me. Even though its the holidays right now, there's tons of work to be done. Projects, basically. I'm really dreading this 2 weeks. We don't even get our well deserved breaks la :(
Oh yes, I want to go shopping very badly! But money has always been a problem. There are so many things that I'd really want to get but my mom's busy rushing with work to even take me out :( I have no choice but to tahan till AFTER christmas which is what I'm not looking forward to at all. Sighhhh.
Right then, I'm starting to get sleepy. I need to be in school at 10am tmr, ugh. Thanks to all the lecturers who think us students have tons of time when it comes to holidays. Seriously all they have to do is just sit there, shake their legs & put a tick/cross whatever on our papers. Unfair shit. No point complaining right? its just pure stupidity. Hmm......
Oh yes, CONGRATULATIONS XIAXUE for getting engaged. I watched the video and I actually teared halfway through. It was so damn touching :'( Wish my husband-to-be (whoever) could do something like that HAHAHA right.
K then, gna go now. Nighty night everyone :)